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Home > Bewertungen > ClickUp-Rezension


In a Nutshell

ClickUp is predicated on a set of core values geared towards maximizing productivity. This powerful project management tool is designed to centralize all productivity tools in one ecosystem. The brains behind ClickUp decided that overall, productivity is broken and a paradigm shift was required. 

This productivity platform is ideally suited to remote workers, which allows team members to complete a wide range of tasks, from any location, and collaborate in real-time to meet project deadlines. With ClickUp, it’s easy to track project management, vis-a-vis individual team members, and how they are working synergistically towards meeting project goals.

Real-time tracking of team members makes it easy to stay abreast of the latest updates as they happen. Project managers can create frames, and manage workloads with a fully comprehensive dashboard displaying potential bugs, tasks remaining, project status, and to-do lists. This Eagle’s Nest perspective of project management is ideal for effectively collaborating with team members. 

ClickUp also allows for priority setting with color-coded elements, for a quick visual status update. ClickUp aims to make the world more productive, one project at a time. Many features are provided with this project management solution, including Gantt charts, dashboards, mind maps, notepads, custom fields, priorities, dates & times, collaboration, sprints, and time tracking, et al.

During our research on project management tools, we’ve identified five key criteria for you to consider when choosing a Project management tool:
1. Customization capabilities
2. Core task-related features
3. Updated to evolving
4. Popular 3rd party integrations
5. Ease of use. 

Our reviews will examine each project management tool by how well it delivers on these five criteria.

How does ClickUp meet each of these 5 criteria?

1. Customization Capabilities

ClickUp is a bold entrant to the competitive project management arena. Thanks to innovative functionality, ClickUp allows for customized project management along with tasks, duties, and responsibilities. This is possible through the use of templates and custom status updates. Project management solutions include custom workflows, privacy settings, features, functions, and tags. Privacy settings allow ‘everyone access’, or ‘specific access’. There are custom tasks statuses and simple task statuses. 

ClickApps allow for multiple assignees, enable due dates, and enable time tracking, among others. Thanks to a dynamic approach to project management customization, ClickUp makes it easy for project managers and team members to select the tools required by workflow. It’s possible to manage your template selection, and activities for team members to customize all of the processes, every step of the way. 

ClickUp offers 100 MB of storage free forever – no credit card required. With ClickApp, Admin can easily create custom fields. With paid plans, there is an unlimited number of custom fields, while the free forever plan provides users with 100 custom fields, including editing values, and setting values in the custom fields. Workflow customization allows for custom statuses while a project is underway. 

Simple checklists allow team members to understand when tasks have been completed, or are still underway. The custom status templates are available for marketing, development, personal, operations, and other uses. Project management allows all statuses to be viewed in board view, where everything is arranged according to status. The intuitive productivity platform makes it easy to manage individual tasks, facilitating improved overall project management.

2. Core Task-Related Features

ClickUp, like other professional project management systems, provides many powerful features without the clutter. The task-related features streamline operations to ensure maximum efficiency. The process management systems incorporate multiple features such as custom statuses, task dependencies, multiple assignees, checklist templates, agile board view, recurring checklists, status templates, resolve comments, workload charts, people sidebar, goals, scrum points, milestones, reminders, wiki and docs, relationships, and sprints. 

From a task management perspective, it is even easier to put together and manage complex projects with multiple team members. Among others, project managers can organize tasks and implement changes as needed. The task management features include favorite views, sorting, recurring tasks, filter and search, hierarchy, task tray, multitask toolbar, 4 different views, task dimensions, drag-and-drop reordering, right-click menus, templates, copy projects, lists, and spaces, subtasks, task checklists, draft tasks, portfolios, view all tasks, bulk rescheduling, and priorities.

Advanced functions and features for task-related elements include nested subtasks, map view, table view, lineup™, tasks in multiple lists, mind maps, and webhooks. Viewed in perspective, the core task-related features make it much easier to manage team members, time, and projects without having to navigate out to use different applications, software, or resources. If resources are concentrated in one area, and deadlines are fast approaching, they can be pulled and disseminated accordingly. ClickUp templates are available for beginner level, intermediate level, and advanced level. The Template Center features all the different options available to project managers. There are dozens of top-tier options available to make task management that much more efficient.

 3. Updated to Evolving Needs 

ClickUp operates on the cutting edge of what project management technology is capable of. You can easily automate routine work using ClickUp Automations. This generates consistent processes for team members, with ‘when this happens, perform this action’. Since ClickUp is updated to evolving needs, it’s easier to allocate more time to central tasks by automating routine tasks. The templates allow for automation so that team members aren’t bothered by busy work, thereby improving morale and focus. ClickUp automations are fully compatible with third-party apps. It’s easy to incorporate powerful tools and resources within the ClickUp ecosystem, such as GitHub, Slack, Bugsnag, Dropbox, and Typeform.

Remote working capabilities were the raison d’être for ClickUp’s creation in the first place. To this end, many powerful features are available with remote work tasks, including:

  • Legal Work
  • Hosting Shows
  • Content Creation
  • Marketing Work
  • Customer Support Services

Remote work can be fully customized by way of specific tasks, documents, goals, views, dashboards, and inbox. ClickUp can be integrated directly with Zoom, and there are scores of pre-booked templates designed expressly for remote work too. User groups, lineup, and 1000+ tools can be integrated with ClickUp for more effective project management.

What Kind of Projects is the ClickUp Platform Suitable For?

ClickUp is truly a versatile project management solution for teams of all types, shapes, sizes. Consider some of the following use cases for ClickUp:

  • Law
  • Podcasts
  • Budget
  • Hiring
  • Finance
  • Personal
  • Nonprofit
  • Marketing
  • Real Estate
  • Bug Queues
  • Remote Work
  • Release Notes
  • Graphic Design
  • Video Production
  • Human Resources 
  • Team Management 
  • Sprints and Backlogs
  • Product Management
  • Account Management 

4. Popular 3rd Party Integrations

ClickUp features many powerful native integrations such as the ClickUp API, Slack, GitHub, GitLab, webhooks, Everhour, toggltrack, HARVEST, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Outlook, Google Calendar, Sync with Calendars, Figma, YouTube, Vimeo, Loom, Zoom, Chrome, Bitbucket, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Sentry, Microsoft Teams, Intercom, Google Hangouts Chat, Box, Zendesk, Clockify, Front, Timely, TMetric, PomoDone, Timeneye, and many more useful task-management tools. 

5. Ease of Use

With ClickUp, users are assured of an intuitive, customized interface with maximum functionality for project management. The customer support ranks among the best in the business, providing knowledgeable assistance on all technical aspects of the project management system. It’s easy to switch between categories, change templates, customize tasks, and manage team members in a project. Project management can review customer feedback, and convert user requirements into specific tasks for team members. 

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of ClickUp is the way in which you can integrate external apps into the ecosystem. It’s seamless, with maximum efficacy assured. With ClickUp it really is easy to stay abreast of project management deadlines, with a bird’s eye view of proceedings. Since you don’t have to navigate out, everything is available from the project manager’s workstation.  For team members, remote functionality adds an entirely new perspective, allowing for maximum productivity with all the tools and resources needed to complete tasks on time.

Plans & Pricing

  • Free Plan – 100 MB storage, unlimited tasks, unlimited members, multi-factor authentication.
  • Unlimited Plan – $5 per member per month billed monthly, or annually. Plan includes unlimited storage, unlimited calendar views, list, board, integrations, dashboards, guests, permissions, custom fields, portfolios, and goals.
  • Enterprise Plan – contact sales for pricing, with enterprise-level functionality for large-scale project management.

Customer Service & Support

Project managers and team members can contact ClickUp via several channels, including:

  • Snail Mail address at 363 Fifth Avenue, Suite 300, San Diego, California, 92101
  • email –
  • FAQs – popular questions answered for ClickUp users
  • Live Chat Functionality (Intercom) – with response times under 5 minutes

Social media connectivity is available with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. ClickUp is available 24/7 including holidays.


“Clickup is a one stop shop if you are a project manager. It’s super easy to manage multiple projects using Clickup.”

Susheem Verma | Associate Product Manager at

“I can safely say that ClickUp has been eye-opening for my own organisation/time management and transformative to us as a business.”

Eliot Shiner | Co-Founder at

“ClickUp is what project management has needed. Easy-to-use and learn, gives you the ability to customize the platform, and the customer service team goes above and beyond!”

Jon Viguri | Head Of Engineering at
  • Free plan forever
  • Over 1000+ integrations
  • Easy-to-use user interface
  • Excellent customer support
  • Remote work management solutions
  • Fully customizable project management software
  • Many powerful project management applications
  • Pricing increases
  • Limited customized reports
  • Task oriented, not project oriented
  • Additional learning tutorials requested

Bottom Line

ClickUp has designed a centralized project management ecosystem with a strong task focus and a bird’s eye view of proceedings. It is a powerful project management solution for teams across the spectrum, from marketing to onboarding, software development to engineering, product design, and more. It is a forward-focused solution, with innovative approaches to project management. Organizational alignment is easily accomplished with ClickUp.